FoCP Position Papers
Caulfield Park Planning
FoCP supports the formation of a new Caulfield Park Plan in consultation with the Glen Eira residents. The Plan must have an agreed status, that is, it must be understood to be merely a concept or to be implementation specific. Major deviations from the plan, especially when the park is to be used for purposes other than those which are currently accepted, must be subject to consultation and legitimate and due process.
Heritage Structures
It is important that nominated heritage structures be both monitored and maintained. Where structures which should be on the heritage list but are not (the bandstand, gazebo, for example), FoCP will seek their inclusion.
Caulfield Park Trees
Refer to the FoCP Position Paper on Trees
The Depot
The status of the depot and the purposes to which it is put will be examined and monitored in the light of Crown land legitimacy. The sole legitimate purpose of the depot is park maintenance.
FoCP is concerned about the process of regulation, the dissemination of information and notice about park regulations and the heavy handed ways in which regulations are enforced.
FoCP will build a historical archive of Caulfield Park and will appeal to both the GEC and to the residents for formal history, photographs and anecdotes. This history will be readily available.
FoCP will build a detailed Geographic Information System (GIS) of Caulfield Park which will detailed every important tree and structure.
Park Membership
FoCP will survey the park for usage which will include sports people, walkers, sports onlookers, dog walkers, etc to build a realistic user profile.
Park Values
The Friends stand for: –Open vistas with framing trees. –Care for all existing trees. –Community involvement in future park development. –Enhancement of the heritage area to the west. –No more buildings or fencing in the park without proper consultation. –No future granting of exclusive rights for park facilities
Pavilion Usage
FoCP will attempt to profile the usage of the pavilion facilities including booking of community facilities and types of functions held in those facilities, showers, disabled toilets, changing facilities and their privacy, etc
FoCP will profile the usage of the children’s playgrounds, their safety and parking facilities
Inventory of tree species in the arboretum
Caulfield Park contains the second widest variety of trees after the botanic gardens. It was gifted to us by far-sighted early Caulfield Councillors and is part of the heritage of Glen Eira. FoCP would like to update the list of trees and identify species that have been lost over time so that they can be replaced. It would like to see a program of tree labelling undertaken so that the citizens can enjoy and be informed of the trees in the park