Friends of Caulfield Park was formed in 2007 to monitor and advise Glen Eira Council on how to best manage Caulfield Park on behalf of all its users. The Friends have created this site to centralise all information relating to the park. We welcome your suggestions for additions and improvements.

FoCP can be contacted at:
[email protected]
Fill in a form right now!
To join or rejoin, print off the form below, complete it and mail with your cheque to:
The Treasurer, Friends of Caulfield Park, Box 2511, Caulfield Junction, 3161
I would like to join / rejoin Friends of Caulfield Park
Title ___ First Name _____________ Surname ___________________
Address ___________________________________________________
The following details are optional:
Email _____________________________________________________
Telephone ____________
Do you want to be contacted by email? Yes / No
Annual Individual Subscription: $15
Annual Family Subscription: $20
Donation (Optional): _______________________
(OUO): Receipt Number ____________
Bank details: BENDIGO BANK 193 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North.
BSB 633-000 ACCOUNT NO. 130561871
If taking out a family subscription you may wish to record other family members:
Thank you for your support