Birds of Caulfield Park
One Friday morning in February 2010, Michael Norris saw the following birds in the park in 40 minutes.
How many have you seen? Tell us about your experience!
- Pacific Black Duck
- Dusky Moorhen
- Silver Gull
- Rock Dove
- Spotted Turtle-Dove
- Crested Pigeon
- Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
- Welcome Swallow
- Noisy Miner
- Common Starling
- Grey Butcher bird
- Australian Magpie
- Greylag Goose (some with a touch of Chinese Goose?)
- Mallard (farmyard breeds + possible hybrid with Pacific Black Duck)
Birds in the park

Many birds visit the park but the ducks and geese are permanent residents and can be seen most mornings having a constitutional stroll over breakfast.
In recent times the ducks have all but vanished.
We hope that they have not been snatched for a meal and instead have used the wet conditions to find other pondage.
(See lower down the page for a bird list)
The following birds have been seen in Caulfield Park.
To learn more about them simply click on the name to go to details about the bird.
To identify an unknown bird, go to the bottom right of this page and click on 'What bird was that?'.
Indigenous Birds
Exotic Birds